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Universal Design for Learning: A Tool for TALE

We meet Jamal, Sydney, and Caleb in Module 3, Session 2 of the TALE Academy. Each student brings their unique abilities to the classroom. In the session, we learn about how Jamal loves group work and receives supports and services for reading. We learn that Sydney is a strong reader and receives support to manage her anxiety. Finally, we meet Caleb who is bursting with energy and receives services to help him with executive functioning. What do these learners have in common? Each of our students in this scenario benefit from the key concept explore in Module 3, Session 2: using universal design to address learner variability.

Universal design for learning or UDL guides the development of flexible learning environments that can accommodate the learning differences between Jamal, Sydney, and Caleb. The TALE Academy created this one-page adaptation of CAST’s UDL guidelines that you can keep handy to help you implement UDL. Using the guidelines in this resource will help ensure that all of your learners can access meaningful, challenging learning opportunities in your classroom – whether that be in-person, virtual, or hybrid!

Check out Module 3, Session 2: Universal Design for Learner Variability Across Learning Environments to learn more about the UDL supports provided to Jamal, Sydney, and Caleb and how those supports are implemented across learning environments.

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines infographic

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