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Professional Learning to Support Teaching Across Learning Environments

The photograph shows a lady with a headset around her neck and working on an iPad placed on a table adorned with a laptop.



The TALE Academy is a series of asynchronous learning experiences available to all New York State educators offering a rich array of resources on topics related to teaching across learning environments (TALE).* The TALE Academy is built upon the work New York State educators carried out during emergency remote teaching (ERT) throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and extends it towards the future. TALE invites educators to think beyond online education to a broader perspective on teaching and learning that encompasses teaching across multiple environments (in-person, remote, and hybrid).

The TALE Academy was created for educators at all levels who want to learn more about strategies for excellent teaching – whether that be in in-person, remote, or hybrid classrooms.

"What we're trying to build in the state are comprehensive learning programs that use multiple modalities in order to reach all students."

- Paul Cardettino, NYSED, TRLE Project Coordinator

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The content of the TALE Academy was produced in whole or in part with funds from Contract C014452 and does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the New York State Education Department (NYSED), nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by NYSED. In addition, NYSED, its employees, officers, and agencies make no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the content herein and disclaim any express or implied warranty as to the same.

All original TALE Academy materials may be used by educators under the “fair use” rule of copyright law. Fair use is permitted for all original TALE Academy materials without a request of permission. However, full credit must be given to any materials adopted, adapted or used. All TALE Academy website materials provide a full list of citations for this purpose at the conclusion of the “READ” documents.

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