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Module 6 - Session 5


Social Emotional Learning Across Learning Environments

Module 3 - Session 4 Program Cover - Tips of sneakers on road with 3 arrows drawn in chalk



Welcome to TALE Academy Module 6: Social Emotional Learning Across Learning Environments!

Goal – The goal of this module is to help teachers infuse social emotional learning (SEL) into teaching and learning across learning environments (in-person, remote, and hybrid).

Module Content – This module consists of 8 sessions that will support social emotional learning across learning environments. Each session contains a variety of content and learning activities.

Session Content – You are beginning Module 6 – Session 5: Responsible Decision-Making.


If you have not yet downloaded your personal copy of the TALE Academy Workbook for this module, do so now. See directions below. There is only one workbook for each module which contains activities for all sessions within that module. 


Step 1: Create your personal copy of the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook.

Throughout this session, you will complete the session activities and take notes in the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook. You will have many opportunities to apply the knowledge and skills you learn using your digital workbook. When you click on the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook link, you will be prompted to make a copy of the workbook. Once you do so, your notes and your work within your workbook will be visible only to you. Please note that the workbook is fillable using Google Slides. We do not recommend printing a copy due to the length of the workbook.


Step 2: Get familiar with the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook.

Now that you have your personal copy of the workbook, review pages 1-7 to learn about the workbook’s contents and tips for using the workbook. Don’t forget to add your name to page 1 to personalize your workbook!


Step 3: Review “Key Terms” for Session 5 in the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook.

Your last step is to review the key terms for Session 5. For every TALE Academy session, the key terms are listed at the start of each new session in the workbook. You can return to the key terms page(s) of your workbook throughout this session to add your notes.



  1. What is responsible decision-making?

  2. How can I incorporate responsible decision-making techniques that are age-appropriate across learning environments?


By the end of this session, you will be able to do the following:

  1. Become familiar with the SEL core competency of responsible decision-making.

  2. Explore targeted strategies for supporting the development of responsible decision-making across learning environments.

  3. Identify a need students have for responsible decision-making and design a routine or practice to support those needs.



The following video highlights the reflections of New York State educators on helping students build the SEL competency of responsible decision-making.

video thumbnail of caucasian female teacher


To activate your prior knowledge on the topic, please complete the following steps:

  • In your copy of the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook, complete Activity 6.5.1 – Decisions, Decisions.

If you have not already created your personal copy of the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook, you can make a copy by clicking here.



Select from the learning modalities below to explore an overview of the topic for this session. You may read a magazine-style article, watch a video, or listen to a conversational podcast.


You need to select only one option: read, watch, or listen.

As you read, watch, or listen, consider pausing and reviewing the key terms for this session in your workbook. You can add your own notes, ideas for application, or definitions of the terms in your own words.


Dive into our Module 6 – Session 5 READ, a magazine-style overview of the session topic with infographics and links to resources.


Tune into our Module 6 – Session 5 WATCH, a narrated, animated video that provides an overview of the session topic.


Settle in for our Module 6 – Session 5 LISTEN, a conversational, podcast-style discussion among educators about the session topic.


Select one option from the choices offered below to learn more.

You need to select only one of the choices, but you are welcome to explore all the resources!

SEL for Students: Ethical Decision-Making and Social Responsibility

Synopsis: Greater Good in Education summarizes what it means to make ethical and socially responsible decisions.

Format: Article

Time: 10 minutes


Teaching Responsible Decision-Making Skills in Your Elementary Classroom in 2023

Synopsis: This blog post covers an overview of the elements of decision-making as a social emotional skill.

Format: Blog 

Time: 10 minutes

5 YouTube Videos that Will Help Students Make Better Decisions

Synopsis: Learn a handful of strategies from media studies and psychology that help students make better choices.

Format: Videos

Time: Varies based on user interaction


Responsible Decision-Making for Students


Teenagers and Responsible Decision-Making

Synopsis: Watch both videos to learn more about this critical social emotional skill at different developmental levels. 

Format: Videos

Time: 9 minutes

The Art of SEL: Responsible Decision-Making

Synopsis: This podcast focuses on helping students make caring and constructive decisions.

Format: Podcast

Time: 35 minutes



  • Return to your copy of the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook and complete Activity 6.5.2 – Using Scenarios with Students.

  • If you have not already made your personal copy of the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook, you can make a copy by clicking here.


Extend your learning by engaging in a longer workbook activity and/or accessing additional resources.
This section is designed to help you begin a journey into deeper learning on the topic area.


Return to your copy of the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook and complete Activity 6.5.3 – Responsible Decision-Making Checklist. If you have not already made your personal copy of the Module 6 TALE Academy Workbook, you can do so by clicking here.

Time: 20 minutes


Social Emotional Learning Part III: Responsible Decision-Making

Topic: Five strategies to help students make responsible decisions 

Format: Blog

Time: 7 minutes


Responsible Decision-Making

Topic: Multiple resources for teaching and supporting responsible decision-making 

Format: Resources

Time: Varies  


Responsible Decision-Making Module Facilitation Guide

Topic: New Jersey Department of Education resources on how to support students with responsible decision-making  

Format: Resource Guide

Time: Varies 


Responsible Decision-Making Classroom Activities

Topic: Click “Responsible Decision-Making” under “Explore SEL by Category” to view two classroom activities. 

Format: Activities 

Time: 20 minutes


SEL Discussion Series for Parents and Caregivers 

Topic: CASEL’s discussion series developed to help you engage families in conversations about social and emotional growth 

Format: Discussion Guides 

Time: 60 minutes/session (10 sessions)


Responsible Decision-Making Books for the Classroom

Topic: Suggestions for books that teach responsible decision-making 

Format: Article  

Time: 20 minutes


Internet Safety High School 

Topic: The experiences of students who find themselves in situations that teach them the consequences of making poor decisions online

Format: Video 

Time: 7 minutes


This session gave you information and resources on helping students build the SEL competency of responsible decision-making. In the next session of this module, you’ll explore culturally responsive and sustaining SEL.

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